By drawing from the vast network connections of sponsoring organizations, the empower collaboration aims to feature influential speakers and engaging performers who resonate with the field's values and goals. These guest presenters and entertainers will deliver experiences that encourage growth, innovation, and inspiration among attendees, fostering a culture of leadership and positive change. This approach makes the event highly relevant and dynamic, as content is shaped by leaders within the community who understand the needs and aspirations of those in the behavioral healthcare field.
Recovery Comedian
Mark Lundholm has performed in all 50 states and 10 foreign countries. From world-renowned musicians, heads of state, fortune 500 companies to rehabilitation centers and convicted felons, Mark has truly entertained on the world’s stage. He’s appeared on Comedy Central, Showtime, A&E, CBS, and NBC. Mark wrote and performed his own one-man show off-Broadway in New York City reaching critical acclaim, and in his spare time created the now staple DVD series ‘Humor in Treatment’ and the Recovery Board Game.
Design Leader, Speaker,Community Builder, Mentor
Personally, through the doorways of grief, family addictions, struggles with anxiety and body image, marriage, divorce, and caregiving, I’ve learned some hard won lessons about navigating challenge and reshaping my experience of it.
Professionally, I’ve been leading transformative experiences across various scales and industries, from collaborating with renowned artists like David Byrne and Karen O for touring performances to teaching at The Class, a practice that combines fitness and mindfulness. Starting as its first employee almost 11 years ago and eventually serving as Co-CEO for the final 2 years of my tenure, I played a pivotal role in developing The Class’s business from the ground up and guiding its growth through volatile economic times.
Bestselling Author, Psychotherapist, Enneagram Teacher, and Episcopal Priest
Ian is best known for popularizing the Enneagram. Enneagram is a personality typing system identifying nine types of people and how they relate to one another and the world. His popular Enneagram primer, The Road Back to You gave fresh language and interest in this uncannily accurate tool. His latest book, The Story of You, helps readers go a step further, using Enneagram wisdom to uncover and rewrite their own false narratives so they can live more fully. Ian enjoys sharing about the Enneagram with audiences of all sizes because of its power for igniting personal growth, and how it can enrich their personal and professional lives.
Hilary Lacey Roberts is an American singer, songwriter and philanthropist. She was born in Denver, Colorado and currently resides in Dallas, Texas. Her single "There for You" (2018) proved a success and became her first top-ten single on the Billboard Dance Club Songs chart. The following year, her recording of the Soul II Soul song, Back to Life (However Do You Want Me) peaked at number one on the Dance Club Songs chart.